Public Engagement with Schools

An important part of the BREATH Public Engagement mission is outreach to schools within the Partner regions.  This involves explaining lung health and disease in the context of biomedical science, and increasing awareness of COPD – including presentations on smoking as a (preventable) major risk factor.

School outreach extends across all three partners.  Below is an example of the ongoing BREATH drive in Dumfries & Galloway:

Dumfries & Galloway Council (Education Services):
BREATH Letter of Support



The BREATH team of scientists have been very impressed by the enthusiasm and insightful questions from the many children we have now met in schools, or at science festivals.  So impressed, that in fact we have now set some BREATH Challenges on COPD and air quality.  Successful completion of these will have your school awarded the BREATH Certificate of Completion, and you will be featured on our BREATH webpage an official BREATH School Partner. A visit or web-conference can be arranged with your school if help/clues are needed.

The Challenges are as found by clicking on each of the following.

Challenge-1-Cartoon-Quiz-Logo SCOTLAND
Challenge 1 – Cartoon Quiz Logo IRELAND
Challenge 1 – Cartoon Quiz Logo NORTHERN IRELAND

Challenge 2 – Air Pollution Crossword

Challenge 3 – Cartoon Invite

The best cartoons will be posted on BREATH website along with pupil and school names.

Challenge 4 – Word Search

Challenge 5 – Letter

Challenge 5 is also provided as a word document (below) should you wish to type your letter.

Challenge 5 – Letter

Completed challenges should be:

Orla Kelleher – Project Administrator
Dundalk Institute of Technology,
Dublin Road,
County Louth,
A91 K584,


Professor John Lockhart
University of the West of Scotland

Good luck!



BELMONT PRIMARY, Stranraer (Dumfries & Galloway)

Belmont Primary 5 pupils reading their letters on COPD at school assembly:


MOFFAT ACADEMY, Moffat (Dumfries & Galloway)




The impact of the BREATH schools’ enagement programme, to increase awarenss of COPD, is best reflected in the words and pictures from the pupils themselves. Below are some examples from the enthusiastic pupils of Belmont Primary, Stranraer (Dumfries & Galloway).

Moffat Academy Pupil Letters to MSPs



Belmont Primary Pupil Letters






Teacher Feedback:


Moffat Academy Artwork



Award to Belmont featured in the Free Press (Stranraer & Wigtown 20.2.20)





A person may have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) but not notice symptoms until it is in the moderate stage. This is why it’s important to ask your doctor about taking a breathing test (called spirometry) if you are a current or former smoker, have been exposed to harmful lung irritants for a long period of time, or have a history of COPD in your family, such as ALPHA-1 ANTITRYPSIN DEFICIENCY related COPD.

Anyone with the following should get tested:

  • Has a history of smoking
  • Has long-term exposure to air pollutants (including pollution and second-hand smoke)
  • Has chronic coughing with or without sputum
  • Has wheezing
  • Has shortness of breath that has become worse over time


A person may have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) but not notice symptoms until it is in the moderate stage. This is why it’s important to ask your doctor about taking a breathing test (called spirometry) if you are a current or former smoker, have been exposed to harmful lung irritants for a long period of time, or have a history of COPD in your family, such as ALPHA-1 ANTITRYPSIN DEFICIENCY related COPD.

Anyone with the following should get tested:

  • Has a history of smoking
  • Has long-term exposure to air pollutants (including pollution and second-hand smoke)
  • Has chronic coughing with or without sputum
  • Has wheezing
  • Has shortness of breath that has become worse over time


A person may have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) but not notice symptoms until it is in the moderate stage. This is why it’s important to ask your doctor about taking a breathing test (called spirometry) if you are a current or former smoker, have been exposed to harmful lung irritants for a long period of time, or have a history of COPD in your family, such as ALPHA-1 ANTITRYPSIN DEFICIENCY related COPD.

Anyone with the following should get tested:

  • Has a history of smoking
  • Has long-term exposure to air pollutants (including pollution and second-hand smoke)
  • Has chronic coughing with or without sputum
  • Has wheezing
  • Has shortness of breath that has become worse over time


A person may have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) but not notice symptoms until it is in the moderate stage. This is why it’s important to ask your doctor about taking a breathing test (called spirometry) if you are a current or former smoker, have been exposed to harmful lung irritants for a long period of time, or have a history of COPD in your family, such as ALPHA-1 ANTITRYPSIN DEFICIENCY related COPD.

Anyone with the following should get tested:

  • What does smoking do to my body?

    Smoking causes many serious and fatal diseases and conditions including lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, bronchitis and emphysema. It also causes many other cancers, respiratory diseases and strokes, and can affect fertility. Cigarettes contain over 4,000 toxic chemicals and around 50 of these cause cancer. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas in cigarette smoke. It is also found in car exhaust fumes and produced by faulty gas appliances. It takes the place of oxygen in the blood, causing your lungs to work less efficiently. This stops cells all around your body from getting the oxygen they need. Tar is the sticky brown substance that stains your fingers and teeth. Tar causes cancer and damages your lungs. It stays inside your lungs, making tubes narrower and reducing your protection against infection.

  • Will I gain weight?
  • How do I get started and what are the first steps to quitting smoking?
  • What support is available to me?
  • What withdrawl and recovery symptoms can I expect?


Lung Health Fact Sheet
Learn About Healthy Lungs
Smoking Facts
Kids Corner

Our outreach section has a section dedicated to children, teachers and parents. have a look

  • 2022 (13)
  • 2021 (16)
  • 2020 (13)
  • 2019 (20)
  • 2018 (9)
  • 2017 (5)
  • Contact
    • +353 (0) 42 9370 447

    Outreach - Adults

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